Join our Community of Supporters

Ways To Help

  • Celebration Squad: Spread joy to HIP families by sending cards and gifts for birthdays, graduations and other celebrations. Who doesn’t love brightening a special day?

  • Family Events Team: Help create 2-3 events per year to bring current and past HIP families together. Think: summer family picnic or holiday craft party. Community connection starts here!

  • Fundraising / Awareness Building: Join one of our fundraising event planning committees. Or, host a small event in your home to introduce others to HIP.

  • Career / Job Coaching: Work 1-on-1 with an HIP client on job coaching, resume writing and interview prep.

  • Professional Expertise: Share your expertise with HIP. Our needs are as diverse as legal counsel, dental work, graphic design, car repair or almost anything you can offer.

  • Advocacy: Join us as we support pro-housing initiatives, projects, and policies that help very low and low-income workers.

  • Errand Runner: Available to help with running errands, dropping of a gift card or whatever comes up sporadically? We could use your help!

Suggested Reading

Poverty, by America

By Matthew Desmond

Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want

By Ruha Benjamin

Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival and Hope in an American City

By Andrea Elliott

$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America

By Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer

EvictedPoverty and Profit in the American City

By Matthew Desmond

Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States

By Seth M. Holmes

Renegade Dreams: Living Through Injury in Gangland Chicago

By Laurence Ralph

It’s Not Like I’m PoorHow Working Families Make Ends Meet in a Post-Welfare World 

By Jennifer Sykes, Kathryn Edin, Laura Tach, and Sarah Halpern-Meekin

Savage Inequities: Children in America’s Schools

By Jonathan Kozol

Doing the Best I Can: Fatherhood in the Inner City

By Kathryn Edin and Timothy J. Nelson

The Invisible Safety Net: Protecting the Nation’s Poor Children and Families

By Janet Currie

Development as Freedom

By Amartya Sen

The Great Escape

By Angus Deaton

Poor Economics: Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty

By Abhijit Banerjee & Ester Duffle

Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities

By Ruby K. Payne, Philip DeVol & Terie Dressi Smith

Race for Profit: How Banks and Insurance Companies Undermined Black Homeownership

By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

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