HIP Strategic Plan FY 2023-2026
Grow Impact
Add three transitional housing units (43% greater capacity).
Right-size staffing to support our greater capacity.
+ Full Time Executive Director
+ Part Time Volunteer Coordinator/Admin. Assistant
+ Increase Social Worker hours
Expand access to mental health services.
Establish a bridge fund to help recent HIP graduates transition to a sustainable future
Establish metrics to evaluate and identify opportunities to:
+ Leverage success
+ Improve existing programs
+ Modify and/or add services
+ Meet local, state, and federal requirements to secure grant funding.
Formalize long-term client follow-up to ensure future success.
Proactively influence policy to remove hurdles which limit access to affordable housing.
Establish policy advocacy priorities in partnership with local affordable housing providers and partners, and work collaboratively to create positive change.
Projected Cost/Year
(in thousands of dollars)
What we do
HIP builds a bridge to stable affordable housing.
HIP is the only provider of transitional housing in Princeton.
HIP provides rental assistance to families throughout Mercer County, including Trenton.
HIP provides full wraparound services to help families achieve their goals.
HIP’s work supports a more inclusive and diverse Princeton.
Why we do it
Trenton-Princeton is the #1 most segregated metro area by income in the USA.
Trenton-Princeton is the fifth most segregated metro area by race and ethnicity in the USA.
Trenton-Princeton has some of the most exclusionary zoning and land use policies in the USA.
NJ has one of the worst racial wealth gaps in the USA and stark racial housing disparities.
Only 45% of NJ’s lowest income households can find housing they can afford.